The DejaVuAI team is proud to announce that Andrew Hazelden will be our Solution Developer for Media & Entertainment Industries. Andrew brings with him the experience we need in order to integrate our technology into the tools that are used in his space. We are excited to have a partner like him to help us specifically target the professional photographers and videographers involved with gaming environments, TV, feature film, and online pre and post production.
Andrew Hazelden is a Nova Scotia, Canada-based visual effects artist and pipeline technical director. He has developed custom Autodesk Maya, and Blackmagic Design Resolve/Fusion based tools like the Reactor Package Manager, Domemaster3D, PlayblastVR, RocketComp, KartaVR, and the CompX OpenUSD (Universal Scene Description) schema that serves the needs of fulldome, virtual reality, lightfield, and volumetric capture workflows in the entertainment industry. He specializes in high performance computing and cross-platform pipeline automation.
The DejaVuAI technology allows efficient identification of image likeness and furthermore can peer into images that have been altered by cropping, arbitrary rotation, skewing, flipping, mirroring, scaling, compression artifacts, color adjustments (brightness, contrast, hue, saturation, color mode), noise or blur. Even composite images with transparent artifacts can be easily detected. Andrew recently saw the unrivaled power of our image search capabilities. As a solution developer, we look forward to the connections/integrations that Andrew can help us make a reality for the marketplace and industry tools that he knows so well.
Welcome to the image search revolution, Andrew!
Click here to visit Andrew’s Linkedin page.