
Identify Vehicles and Drivers Approaching Your Facility

Within moments, systems equipped with DejaVuAI are able to identify and confirm trucks approaching your facility in order to make your security measures more efficient. Expecting a particular vehicle to arrive? Use DejaVuAI to verify whitelisted vehicles pulling into your front gates, notifying individuals expecting timely pickups or drop-offs.

Within moments, systems equipped with DejaVuAI are able to identify and confirm trucks approaching your facility in order to make your security measures more efficient. Expecting a particular vehicle to arrive? Use DejaVuAI to verify whitelisted vehicles pulling into your front gates, notifying individuals expecting timely pickups or drop-offs.

Verify Orders/SKUs, and Freight Securement

DejaVuAI's unrivaled ability to distinguish between items allows warehouses to keep track of SKUs by appearance, utilizing any camera as a collection point. Add another layer of confirmation by automatically verifying if freight has been properly secured and labeled, to avoid costly mistakes.

DejaVuAI’s unrivaled ability to distinguish between items allows warehouses to keep track of SKUs by appearance, utilizing any camera as a collection point. Add another layer of confirmation by automatically verifying if freight has been properly secured and labeled, to avoid costly mistakes.

Instantly Identify Missing, Damaged, or Unsecured Freight

Use DejaVuAI to instantly compare the appearances of a shipment between its departure and arrival, to confirm that it arrived in the same condition it was sent and hasn't been damaged or otherwise tampered with. This capability can be coupled with other investigative platforms to quickly determine the source of the issue.

Use DejaVuAI to instantly compare the appearances of a shipment between its departure and arrival, to confirm that it arrived in the same condition it was sent and hasn’t been damaged or otherwise tampered with. This capability can be coupled with other investigative platforms to quickly determine the source of the issue.

Enhance Your Logistics Intelligence Across the Board

The applications of computer vision can apply to more areas than one in the world of logistics, with more opportunities becoming available as technologies continue to evolve. Allow DejaVuAI to give you a head start tackling potential supply chain issues that were unsolvable until now, minimizing risks and ultimately saving precious time, money, and resources.

The applications of computer vision can apply to more areas than one in the world of logistics, with more opportunities becoming available as technologies continue to evolve. Allow DejaVuAI to give you a head start tackling potential supply chain issues that were unsolvable until now, minimizing risks and ultimately saving precious time, money, and resources.

Discover How Photos Match

Understand how your results match with our similarity groups, confidence percentages, and a slider which will visually show you how two images match, giving you an extra level of control and certainty in our system.

Understand how your results match with our similarity groups, confidence percentages, and a slider which will visually show you how two images match, giving you an extra level of control and certainty in our system.​