Utilize our system to protect yourself from copyright infringement cases. Drop your video file into our application, (and let our tech extract the frames for you) and then search for any brands that may have popped up in your footage. Our system will show you exactly where the brand appears, allowing filmmakers to edit or recreate a scene to prevent any legal trouble that may come from this issue.
Afraid your brand may be being used in videos or images where your logo would be partially obscured? Our algorithm can easily locate it. A partial or severely cropped photo will cause no problem in locating it. Even pictures of a monitor with blurring and other perspective abnormalities will come back with stunning results.
DejaVuAI will match any logos or brands that are similar to yours. Find logos that are using the colors of your own logo, and even fonts or layouts that match up with yours, but that are using a variety of different colors. Locate your brand or a slightly different version of it being used in online videos, social media, movies, and TV shows. Find offbrand versions that are trying to mimic your company, so you can put a stop to them.
How do you find your design when the color has been altered and it’s been layered onto another photo?
What if your design has been excessively cut? We’ll be able to match it for you with confidence.
Color distortions, filters, skewing, rotating and other alterations will make no difference in our ability to help you find your brand, designs and logos.
Understand how your results match with our similarity groups, confidence percentages, and a slider which will visually show you how two images match, giving you an extra level of control and certainty in our system.